
equipment used

Digital cameras

IR & Full SPectrum
Still & Video

Audio Recorders

EMF Meters

P-SB7 Spirit Box

4 Channel CCTV  System

Audio recorder with
real time listening

Laser Grids

Various EVP & Video










Are you looking for help?
printable version
We are a small trustworthy, serious, and committed team of mature paranormal investigators with a combined experience of 20+ years in the paranormal field located within Pittsburgh, PA.

Do you or someone you know experience strange occurrences in your home or business that seem to have no explanation and would like to try and find some possible answers.

Each investigation is strictly confidential and with no charge.

If you would like to meet some of our members and just have questions please contact us.

You can also request a home clearing or blessing by our member Paul who is a Licensed Social Worker trained in clearing and blessing spaces.

Contact Us

What to expect with your home investigation:

1. You will be contacted by one of our members for an interview.

2. Research will be done as deemed necessary to the individual encounter if needed.

3. A daytime investigation (walk through) will be done for a safety check, mapping the area, obtaining baseline readings and to identify hot spots or areas to concentrate on. Interviews will also be done.

4. An investigation will be scheduled based on the findings of the preliminary investigation.

5. Finally a follow up meeting after a thorough review will be scheduled to discuss findings and review any possible evidence.

Posted on 08 Mar 2015 by riverstarmyst
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